Saturday, 19 January 2008

Religious Fanaticism

The need for praising your creator, for having moral guidelines and a prospect of a follow-up to the earthly life and for having spiritual comfort on your daily life is a legitimate one. This is for a lot of people the sense of religion.
But those who have to shout out or aggressively push their own religious beliefs to others, have difficulty believing in them in the first place, and all the shouting is part of the process of strengthening those beliefs within themselves, or the fear of being wrong.

Today, sticking to those ancient belief systems and associated rituals (Christian, Islamic, Hindu... maybe excluding Buddhism, which has been kept up-to-date in addressing modern men spiritual needs) that are meant to connect you to your creator and give you a purpose for the after life and compassion for your fellow man are difficult to sustain, since they are permanently challenged by more rational modern ways of thinking and life styles. Hence religious fanaticism rises.

Religious fanatics are people who, don't allow themselves to question their beliefs, because the doubts would make the castle of cards on which they stand crumble...

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