Tuesday, 10 June 2008

What GDP isn´t - By RFK

First post ever!! Wheeee!

Now that I got that off my chest...
Today I found this video of a speech delivered by RFK during his run for the 1968 US presidential primary - three weeks before he was shot and killed in a California hotel, while celebrating his primary victory (he would probably have won the election too, against Nixon... Imagine that!!). Just a bit US-centric, but still very current in today´s world.
Anyway, I think it meshes nicely with an ongoing discussion I´m having with The Sousa about GDP, growth and society. Seems amazing what politicians would say 40 years ago, isn´t it? It is a bit depressing to compare how the caliber of the political discourse has dropped in the meantime.

1 comment:

bruno said...

Good start Tanco! That's a great speech!